Common Membranes

Membrane Pore Size  Thickness  Pore Density  Porosity  Diffusive Permeability Hydraulic Permeability
Nanoporous (NPN)
60 nm 100 nm 1 x 1010 cm2 9% – 18% ~0.1 cm/sec [1-3] ~ 100 mL/(min•bar•cm2) [4-6]
Dual Scale (NPN with patterned micropores)
60 nm background plus 3 µm or 5 µm 100 nm 1 x 1010 cm2 10% – 25% > 0.1 cm/sec > 100 mL/(min•bar•cm2)
Microslit 0.5 µm, 1 µm, 2 µm, 4 µm, 8 µm 400 nm See Pages See Pages > 0.1 cm/sec > 1 L/(min•bar•cm2) [6]
Microporous 0.5 µm, 20 µm 400 nm 1 x 108 cm-2 5%, 20% > 0.1 cm/sec > 1 L/(min•bar•cm2)

All membranes are made of silicon nitride

  1. Kim, E., Xiong, H., Striemer, C., Fang, D., Fauchet, P., McGrath, J.L., Amemiya, S. (2008), “A structure-permeability relationship of ultrathin silicon nanoporous membrane: A comparison with the nuclear envelope.” Journal of American Chemical Society, 130: 4230-4231.
  2. Ishimatsu, R., Kim, J., Jing, P., Striemer, C., Fang, D., Fauchet, P., McGrath, J.L. and Amemiya, S. (2010). Ion-Selective Permeability of Ultrathin Nanopore Silicon Membrane as Studied Using Nanofabricated Micropipet Probes. Analytical Chemistry 82: 7127-34
  3. Snyder, J.L., Clark Jr., A, Fang, D.Z., Gaborski, T.R., Striemer, C.C., Fauchet, P.M., McGrath, J.L. (2011) A theoretical and experimental analysis of molecular separations by diffusion through ultrathin nanoporous membranes J. Mem. Sci. 369:119-129
  4. Gaborski, T.R., Snyder, J.L., Striemer, C.C., Fang, D.Z., Hoffman, M., Fauchet, P.M., and McGrath, J.L. (2010). High performance separation of nanoparticles using ultrathin pnc-Si membranes. ACS Nano 4:6973-6981
  5. DesOrmeaux, J. P., Winans, J. D., Wayson, S. E., Gaborski, T. R. , Khire, T. S., Striemer, C. C., and McGrath, J. L. (2014) Nanoporous silicon nitride membranes fabricated from porous nanocrystalline silicon templates, Nanoscale 6:10798-10805
  6. Wright, E., Miller, J.J, Csorda, M.. Gosselin, A.R., Carter, J.A., McGrath, J.L., Latulippe, D.R., Roussie, J.A. (2020) Development of Isoporous Microslit Silicon Nitride Membranes for Sterile Filtration Applications Biotechnology & Bioengineering 117:879-885


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