

Cell Culture

Oxide stripping

3 comments on “Protocols
  1. Jim says:

    Hi Dave. I’m trying to see how WordPress will do for managing resources: protocols, equipment, software. I don’t want a ‘protocol’ category but a tree of pages that link from a single Page on the left. So the Autoclave instructions that Rachelle made should not be visible until I click on Protocols and then I’ll see the full list of protocols we’ve developed. The Autoclave Protocol is also very long and should be broken up into a series of linked files under each of the types of Autoclaving procedures. It isn’t obvious to do all this in WordPress.

  2. Dave says:

    When you’re creating a page, you can specify a “page parent” at the bottom of the page editor. I just stuck your autoclave page under the protocols section. If we mess around with the sidebar php we could implement an expandable/collapsible tree…

  3. Jim says:

    Good enough. I want the ability to switch the protocols between the private and public side so this seems to be the best spot for that. Collapsable would be nice. I do expect this to be three levels deep eventually.

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