Hand-Built Flow Cells


  • Ahmad, S. D., Cetin, M., Waugh, R. E. & McGrath, J. L. (2023) A computer vision approach for analyzing label free leukocyte trafficking dynamics on a microvascular mimetic. Frontiers in Immunology 14.
  • Lucas, K., Dehghani, M., Khire, T.S., Gaborski, T.R., Waugh R.E., Flax, J.D., McGrath, J.L., (2021) A Predictive Model of Nanoparticle Capture on Ultrathin Nanoporous Membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 633: 119357
  • Salminen, A.T., Tithof, J., Izhiman, Y., Masters, E.A., McCloskey, M.C., Gaborski, T.R., Kelley, D.H., Pietropaoli, A.P., Waugh, R.E., McGrath, J.L. (2020) Endothelial Cell Apicobasal Polarity Facilitates Distinct IL-8 Secretion and Immune Responses to Systemic vs. Local Inflammation, Integrative Biology, 12(11),275–289, https://doi.org/10.1093/intbio/zyaa022
  • Khire, T.S., Salminen, A.T., Swamy, H., Lucas, K.S., McCloskey, M.C., Ajalik, R.E., Chung, H.H, Gaborski, T.R., Waugh, R.E., Glading, A.J., McGrath, J.L., (2020) Microvascular Mimetics for the Study of Leukocyte-Endothelial Interactions  Cell and Molecular Bioengineering 13: 125–139


  • Soldati, S., A. Bär, M. Vladymyrov, D. Glavin, J. L. McGrath, F. Gosselet, H. Nishihara, S. Goelz and B. Engelhardt (2023). High levels of endothelial ICAM-1 prohibit natalizumab mediated abrogation of CD4+ T cell arrest on the inflamed BBB under flow in vitro. Journal of Neuroinflammation 20. https://10.1186/s12974-023-02797-8
  • Dias, M.C., Quesada, A.O., Soldati, S., Bösch, F., Gruber, I., Hildbrand, T., Sönmez, D., Khire, T. Witz, G., McGrath, JL, Piontek, J., Kondoh, M, Deutsch, U., Zuber, B., and Engelhardt, (2021) Brain endothelial tricellular junctions as novel sites for T-cell diapedesis across the blood-brain barrier. Journal of Cell Science, 134: jcs253880 https://
  • Mossu, A., Rosito, M., Khire, T., Chung, H.H., Nishihara, H., Gruber, I., Luke, E., Dehouck, L., Sallusto, F., Gosselet, F., McGrath, J.L., Engelhardt, B.  (2019) A Silicon Nanomembrane Platform for the Visualization of Immune Cell Trafficking Across the Human Blood-brain Barrier Under Flow. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 39(3):395-410