HUVEC Culturing Protocol
- Assemble device in hood (see Modular Assembly page), place in sterilized petri dish,
and let sit under UV light for 20 minutes (Leave lid off the petri dish to allow sufficient UV exposure). - Add sterile water to a small Petri dish or 50 ml conical cap to maintain a humidified environment.
- Place devices in clamps (Cole-Parmer Cat# 06832-10, made of acetal copolymer; or VWR Cat# 89030-208, made of nylon) to avoid handling directly with gloves during cell culture. Video of Technique for Adding Clamp
- Due to concerns about autoclaving and UV exposure causing clamps to emitting a volatile substance, we thoroughly ethanol sterilize clamps prior to use.
- Wash membrane twice with 100 µl sterile water.
- Add 100 μL of 5 µg/cm^2 human fibronectin in PBS to top well. Please refer to Device Geometry page for surface area. Be careful to avoid bubble formation over the trench for trench-up devices.
- If a bubble forms over the trench, you should see a bend in the meniscus as shown in video links
- Meniscus, No Bubble
- Meniscus, With Bubble
Pipetting coating solution into top well.
- Let the fibronectin adhere to the membrane for 1 hr at RT.
- Remove fibronectin, rinse with fresh cell culture media (we use MCDB-131).
- Add media to the bottom channel. For V1 devices, pipet 20 μl to flush without adding bubbles. Channel capacity is ~10 µl. For V2 devices, pipet 30 μl into channel. Please refer to Device Geometry page for a full list of device surface areas and volumes.
- We prefer to pipet holding the device at an angle, pipetting into the bottom port, as shown in this video and image below, to help avoid bubble formation in the bottom channel. You can stabilize the device in the clamp with your finger gently pressed on the back of the device. Be sure not to apply too much pressure, as this will block the channel.
- Be sure there is no air at the end of pipet tip or in the port prior to inserting into the port. Only push to the pipet’s first resistance to avoid adding air into the channel.
- If a bubble does form in the channel, see this page for tips to remove.
Pipetting media into bottom channel.
- Seed cells at 40,000 cells/cm^2. Please note, available cell seeding area is 37 mm^2 (see Device Geometry page) and volume is 100 μl. This leads to a seeding density of ~150,000 cells/ml. Video of Cell Addition Technique
- Cover with lid and incubate at 37°C, 5% CO2 for 2 hrs.
Final device set up.
- After 2 hours, exchange media in the top well and bottom channel.
- Cells are usually ready for assays after 24-48 hours of growth in devices.
- For optimal phase imaging, add media to form an excess layer on the top of the device. Carefully drop a coverslip atop the media to form a flat interface.

HUVECs grown for 48 hours in modular devices. Cells were imaged via phase contrast microscopy (using a glass coverslip) and a LIVE/DEAD stain was performed, indicating minimal cell death (green = live, red = dead).
I am going through the website looking for outdated things, not working links/pages, and anything else that is off. These comments are for notes and once an issue is resolved, I will remove it.
On this page, in the first line the “Modular Assembly page” is not working. The “Device Geometry page” is also not loading up.